Job Market Placements
Find out more about past VGSE students and what they are up to now!
Alexander Hansak
- Placement: CERGE-EI Prague
- Supervisors: Michael Reiter & Alejandro Cunat
- Student Profile
Boris Knapp
- Placement: Corvinus University of Budapest
- Supervisors: Maarten Janssen & Philipp Schmidt-Dengler
- Student Profile
Flora Lutz
- Placement: International Monetary Fund
- Supervisors: Paul Pichler & Gerhard Sorger
- Student Profile
Jurica Zrnc
- Placement: Croatian National Bank
- Supervisors: Alejandro Cuñat & Gyöngyi Lóránth
- Student Profile
Atabek Atayev
Atabek Atayev
- Placement: ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
- Supervisors: Maarten Janssen & Karl Schlag
- Student Profile
Sabyasachi Das
- Placement: BAWAG Group
- Student Profile
Pavol Majher
- Placement: Council for Budget Responsibility, Slovakia, Homepage
- Supervisors: Monika Merz, Michael Reiter
- Dissertation title: Firm Dynamics and the Labor market
- Prices: Best Paper Award at 9th RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics, Bochum 2016; SEA award "Young Economist", 2016
Zuzana Molnárová
- Placement: Macroeconomics and Business Cycles Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS') Vienna
- Supervisors: Michael Reiter & Robert Kunst
- Student Profile
Edona Reshidi
- Placement: Senior Economist at Bank of Canada
- Supervisors: Maarten Janssen & Karl Schlag
- Student Profile
Leopold Zessner-Spitzenberg
- Placement: Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institute for Economic Theory II (Macro)
- Supervisors: Michael Reiter & Paul Pichler
- Student Profil
Simon Martin
- Placement: University of Düsseldorf
- Supervisors: Karl Schlag und Philipp Schmidt-Dengler
- Student Profile
Philipp Hergovich
- Placement: Raiffeisen Analytik
- Supervisors: Michael Reiter and Monika Merz
- Student Profile
Martin Kerndler
- Placement: Vienna University of Technology
- Supervisors: Michael Reiter and Monika Merz
- Student Profile
Anton Sobolev
Anton Sobolev
- Placement: University of Mannheim, Germany
- Supervisors: Maarten Janssen and Karl Schlag
- Student Profile
Bernhard Kasberger
Bernhard Kasberger
- Placement: Oxford University, UK
- Supervisors: Maarten Janssen and Karl Schlag
- Student Profile
Hendre Garbers
Hendre Garbers
- Placement: International Monetary Fund in Washington, USA
- Supervisors: Paul Pichler and Alejandro Cunat
- Student Profile
Makram Khalil
Makram Khalil
- Placement: Deutsche Bundesbank, Directorate General Economics
- Supervisors: Alejandro Cuñat and Robert Kunst
- Student Profile